“Hm, my parent had decided that instead of getting a random pet for me for my birthday, they will get the pet that only members of the royal family are allowed to have,” Dr. Alma mused out loud as she offered her hand for her pet to climb up on.
The sterzoid gave off a sweet aroma as she was quite content to be close to her new owner.
“They’re those pets that give off nice aromas to help folks relax and knockout gas if it feels it or its owner are in danger?” Mr. Slick asked as he gave Batzy, his flying squeak pet, a treat.
“One and the same,” she nodded.
“Well, she could help ya in the clinic with folks that are mighty nervous.”
“A good idea. Thank you, Bertie.”
“Glad to help, darlin’.”
“Alright, I will take Jasmine with me when I go to work.”
“Ah, I was also plannin’ on takin’ Batzy with me when I go…work.”
“Just be careful.”
“Thank ya, Al. I will.”